Becker Vineyards
Although I am not the purchaser of wine for this Progressive Winery Gourmet Picnic, I am the fixer of food and chooser of wineries. Knowing that Becker Vineyards has some of the very best dessert wines I have ever had the pleasure of drinking, I put it first on my list to pair with our dessert course, on this our third and final stop.
The day wanes. The weak winter sun turns to heavy cloud cover — the temperature drops. Luckily, the drive from Signor to Becker Vineyards will take bare minutes.

Given the opportunity, if driving down Highway 290 and thinking about wine, Becker Vineyards lures me down Jenschke Lane the way the Pied Piper lures children in a storybook. The number of picnics indulged in at Becker is more than I can remember.
Turning right onto Becker Farms Road, fields and fields of the old trunks of knurled grapevines lead the way. After crossing an old stone bridge and approaching Becker’s parking area, I can’t help but notice I am not the only one with the Pied Piper affection. Our immediate view is a field of cars—it seems there are as many cars as there are grapevines–that may be an overstatement. But there are a lot of cars parked here!
Being late in the day on a very chilly weekday afternoon I thought the Tasting Room would be sans visitors. The phrase, “Build it, and they will come,” slips from my lips to the ears of my friends in the car. Becker Vineyards is very easy to love.
A Bit of Becker Vineyards History

In 1990 Richard and Bunny Becker discovered and purchased an old German log cabin, circa 1890, sitting on 46 acres of what would become the grounds of their future winery. The Becker clan, with the help of friends, planted the original vineyard grapevines in 1992. Their grape harvest in 1995, was the first step in realizing the dream of establishing a 1,500-case winery. Today, Becker Vineyards now bottles over 100,000 cases of wine a year. The fruits of their labors have been served at elite locations around the US, including the White House, the James Beard Foundation in New York, the Texas Governor’s Mansion, as well as many other venues and top restaurants. There is a reason for this—Becker Vineyards wines are consistently excellent.
Discovering Becker in the 1990’s

First discovering Becker Vineyards on a Spring wildflower jaunt one March in the 1990s, when the tasting area was a tiny but elegant bar in a cozy front room, and all of the wine tastings in the Texas Hill Country were free, we have been loyal fans ever since. There is a lot to love here. The owners, for a start. The employees are warm and friendly and knowledgeable, the wines are delicious, and the ambiance—old world, kinder gentler times—might be the best in the Texas Hill Country.
Becker Vineyards Today
The young and old, couples and families, flock here and they are all welcome with open arms. Almost any day when kids are out of school, it is like being at Grandma’s farm or a picnic in the park. You will find colorful blankets spread on the vast expanse of grass which is bordered by the original cabin and new structures, built to look old and welcoming. Kids of all ages gather together and play lawn games while parents sip wine and visit, sitting on blankets, at tables under a wide shaded veranda, or any of many other areas, full of ample outdoor seating. Another option is retreating to the large tasting room inside to sample or buy additional wine to take home. Today, on this Spring Break afternoon, is no exception.

The Dessert Course and Where to Partake
Carrying a simple, lightweight basket containing all the components of our dessert, a small plastic container of still cold, airy whipping cream, slips from the top of the stand-in picnic hamper and lands upside down on the flagstone path. I quickly retrieve it confirming that it is not totally deflated, and will be just fine. I guess that is what I get for not baking brownies.

Michael takes the basket and pursues his task of finding us a niche to enjoy our dessert, while three of us make our way to the tasting room. We are on a mission. David wants to buy wine for his wine rack at home. Lisa wants to purchase lavender candy and other lavender products. I want to make sure that one of them doesn’t forget to buy the Malmsey dessert wine for the Pear Crisp—fresh out of the oven this morning, cold but still crisp—for our dessert. The tasting room is not at capacity level, but it is on the edge of being so. It is a happy, bubbling place.

Outside, even on this cold, gloomy afternoon, couples and families with children are happy and enjoying just being here. A group of children—tiny to not quite tiny anymore—are scattered, standing expectantly, part of some joint endeavor. Seeing children play outside in this day and age is a bit more than wonderful.
I look forward to watching their joy.

However, although my coat is heavy, and I am dressed warmer than anyone, I realize that perhaps, at this late hour, we should throw in the towel and retreat to the warmth of our house so we can relax in warm, cozy comfort and enjoy our Malmsey with dessert. We gather our purchases and picnic basket and take our familiar places in the car.
Charlotte’s Pear Crisp and Becker Malmsey Dessert Wine
Sitting in comfortable chairs, coats and jackets shed, we sip the rich malmsey, tasting of caramel and oranges, from the Waterford crystal it deserves. The Malmsey, new to David and Lisa, is so very delicious. I knew it would be perfect with the slightly warmed pear crisp. I comfort my self at not being able to enjoy this course at Becker Vineyards by remembering times past, and future picnics there yet to come. All in all, it is a very glorious day, even if Mother nature wan not at her picnic-ready best.

Becker Vineyards Details
Click on the LINK above for more information. Location: 464 Becker Farms Rd, Stonewall, Texas 78671
Phone: 830.644.2681
Tasting Room Hours
Monday – Thursday:
10am – 5pm
Friday – Saturday:
10am – 6pm
12pm – 6pm
LAST POUR 30 minutes prior to close.
Becker Vineyards is open 7 days a week with the exception of New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Reservations are required for groups of 8 or more at both locations.
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