St. Michael the Warrior Angel
I am looking, have been looking, for a warrior angel—San Miguel. It seems appropriate because we are in San Miguel and because I...
I am looking, have been looking, for a warrior angel—San Miguel. It seems appropriate because we are in San Miguel and because I...
If someone tells me there is a French Laundry equivalent here in SMA, well, I have to go. Aperi, rated...
The Trip At noon, the doorbell rings. I run to answer it; our driver is here to take us to...
aguamiel cocina rustica I feel we need to stop this eating and drinking routine, but the noon bell tolls and reminds us...
Guanajuato From Above We wind our way up the narrow streets to the high terrace where Pípila stands watch. I am so...
“The best chiles en nogada are at Bugambilla in Centro, but Bugambilla is no Antigua Villa Santa Monica—as I said—I’m here for the ambiance. The courtyard. The columns. The...
Lightning rips the sky, and the immediate crash of thunder blasts me out of my reverie—out of the bathroom, toothbrush tossed...
Michael turns and locks the old wooden door. He tugs on the handle making sure the lock is secure. He...
Memories Stepping out into the streets of San Miguel, I look and listen for the remembered. The high whistle whine...
The road is choked with cars on both sides of the street, and our driver carefully inches forward. The facade...
Simply put, I love Texas. I have lived almost my entire life in this state. Born and raised in San Antonio, I spent the majority of my adult life in Fort Worth, in addition to ten years—on and off—sailing in and around the Gulf Coast on our 40’ Endeavor, Island Rose. For the past ten years, my husband and I have called Wimberley home—and if I love Texas—I adore the Texas Hill Country.
We have traveled extensively in this state--from deep East to far West, from North to South--and have probably been on more back roads and in more towns than anyone I have encountered. I AM a Texan—through and through!
I’m a foodie. I love to cook. I am a good judge of what is excellent, what is not. We will drive two-and-a-half hours for Saturday lunch; for the journey and the destination. I love picnics and trying out local wineries. Food and wine pairings draw me like a magnet. And music—all kinds. Concerts are on the menu at our house every year, be they concerts in a house, in a park, in a barn, in an auditorium or at a winery--we're there.
I paint. I cook. I entertain. I love back country roads and small towns—we own two convertibles so I can be sure that nothing bars the experience of just being there.
I finally decided it was time to share my love of this state and these hills with anyone who will listen or read, letting them in on on the famous, the infamous and the not so famous places that dot the countryside and cities. I'll share stories, experiences, and recipes.
Hopefully, you will come along for the ride, blaze your own trails and let me know if you are having fun. If you step out your door and take a chance, I know that you will!
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