August 13, 2014
The weather has been pure perfection for the last week, but today we wake to the ominous warning that a severe storm is on its way to New England. The newscaster reports of floods and stranded cars in New York state, and unfortunately, heavy rain is due to hit coastal Maine late this afternoon. To my dismay, Heather is leaving with the boys this morning to catch an early cross country flight out of Logan International tomorrow.
She drags suitcases down the stairs preparing to face the beast that is inching its way up the Atlantic coast. Checking the radar, I see that there is no way for her to avoid the storm, and flooding is in the forecast for Boston. No vacation is ever perfect.
Saying Goodbye
Unaware of the impending tempest, the boys are fed, dressed, back-packed and so ready to go. They forget to say goodbye and I have to chase them out the door to get a hug. Their vacation has been filled with highs and lows. Some of the lows very low. But when they are in their twenties, maybe they will remember this vacation fondly. One can only hope.

At the moment, their dreams are of home, friends, and surfing. You don’t come to Maine to spend time in the water. All settled in the rental car, they roll down their windows to wave good-bye.
Loudly I tell them to, “Remember, help your mommy.”
Owen pipes up from the back seat, “She’ll probably need it.”
Highs & Lows of Their Summer Vacation
Owen tried very hard to get in the water without getting in the water. He tried so hard that he eventually fell in, ignoring his brother’s advice to relax and go with the flow.

Studiously steering Ralph’s boat without assistance.

Kayaking with their Dad. Kevin is old enough to captain his own ship. Brendan says he is good at it.

Having to haul the kayaks and equipment back up the hill.

Shopping with your Mother and Grandparents in Camden
Mom saying yes to buying a cool hat and an awesome unicorn head, but only “with your own money.”

8/16/2014 9:15:14 PM
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