At 3:30 pm, we stop exploring and head to our car. The convertible, it seems, is a little worse for the waiting. It has rained during the time we spent indoors, and the seats are, shall we say, a bit damp? Since Michael has disappeared, I start the ignition and put up the top, mopping up the raindrops with his jacket.
Lunch has been delayed too long, and we are starved. We drive down one of Maine’s myriad peninsulas only to make a right-hand turn, heading down another. Our original plans were to end the day sitting on the porch of the Breakwater Winery sipping wine, but we are way behind schedule. Michael and I adjust.
Maine’s Best Burger
At four o’clock, we arrive at the Owls Head General Store (a downmarket local hang out, which is my kind of place) all set for lunch. A late lunch. It is raining, and we only see picnic tables for seating. However, Owls Head being Owls Head, it looks like this general store is the one option available if we want to eat.

Walking through the door, we see that inside seating does exist, but it is all taken. Everyone is sitting and waiting. A large table has only three people seated at it. I’m tempted to ask if we can sit at one end, but I beat down the impulse.
I feel a sense of déjà vu.
Oh well, I think, if nothing else we can eat in the car.
Stepping up to the counter, we order one of Maine’s best burgers; this according to a sign by the door, and my guidebook. Michael disappears, a habit of his. I must be muttering out loud about a lost husband because a young couple points outside the window by their table. Michael is there, seemingly checking out the rain-soaked tables. I can only hope a miracle occurs.

Luckily, by the time our number is called, a corner table has been vacated. The waitress brings our burgers and a huge stack of napkins. It seems like overkill, but before I have taken my first bite, I have used three. The hamburger is thick, hot, and juicy; the tomatoes are summer ripe. And the bun is soft and fluffy; surprisingly, it doesn’t disintegrate under the weight of the (must be at least) half-pound burger. The pile of napkins continues to shrink. After the last bite, I discover we have just eaten the notorious seven napkin burger. If I had known, I would have counted.
We COULD NOT have eaten this particular burger in the car, or in the rain.
We end the day with a trip up the hill to view the Owls Head Lighthouse and also take a brief tour of Owl’s Head. When looking for a summer cottage, this was a place that kept popping up, and of course I am curious, and of course Michael is very obliging.
“Whatever you want to do Charlotte.”

Camden Market
Too late for the winery, we stop at the Megunticook Market (upmarket, catering to the tony crowd of Camden, stocking my kind of provisions) to purchase the delicious creamy Cotswold cheese we have recently discovered. Served with dried cranberries, smoked salted almonds, and a glass of wine, it is perfection.

8/25/2014 3:57:32 PM
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